Jesus, I love you


God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

It is so easy for us to love Jesus, because He never lets us down and is such a faithful God. I know that Jesus can see how much I love Him, but am I telling Him often enough? Jesus needs to receive confirmation from us just like any other loved one! I am so guilty of this… asking God for so many things but never just stopping and realizing that He needs to hear how much I appreciate Him! Sometimes it is so hard to realize when we do this because God is such a giving God and never demands anything in return.

His love is a cool breeze on a hot summer day that we take for granted. His heart reaches out to us when we are lonely and in need of a friend. His hands work for us when we are unaware of the devil’s schemes coming upon us. He is such a powerful, yet gentle God.

I want to make it my mission to show Jesus how much I love Him. To start, I want to make sure to take time out of my busy day to talk to Him. When he advocates for me, I want to stop in the middle of the moment and look up to Him. I want to acknowledge Him if nothing else, because He, in fact, acknowledged me when He died on the cross for me! I want to spend my time getting ready for bed in my journal, writing to Him and sharing my deepest thoughts. I want to close my eyes, bow my head and thank Him. I want to thank Him for simply being who He is even without all the things He does for me. Then, I want to tell Him every day how in love with Him I am. Doesn’t Jesus deserve that from us? It is okay to ask Jesus for things, but make sure you let Him know that you love Him and appreciate the things He is doing for you.

I imagine my daddy sitting up in heaven smiling down on me. He is overjoyed when I come to Him in prayer… He is literally jumping with joy when His children come to Him. Can you imagine how He feels when His little child looks up to Him and tells Him how much they love Him? It is like all He ever does for us is worth it. He deserves so much more than our love but yet our love is His whole world! The King of Kings wants your love and it is the least we can do to tell Him how much we love Him. Present your prayers to Him, but always end your prayer by reaching up and saying “thank you Lord, You are so loved!”


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